Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Double Blessing of RCIA

Having been a life long Catholic, albeit not always as faithful as I should have been, I never had the oppurtunity to go through the RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.  I say oppurtunity because over and over again I have heard of the wonderful growth and new depth of faith that comes from going through the process.  The double blessing comes from the fact that usually it is not only the new catechumen/candidate that gains great amounts of respect and knowledge in the faith but also the sponsor who can be renewed in their faith.  I have heard stories from professors at Franciscan University where I am in Graduate school as well as from parishes in my home diocese where I sometimes give talks or volunteer in the RCIA process.  While I am usually only there for a day maybe two, I can see the interest from the sponsors sometimes more so than from catechumen/candidate.  I look forward to a time when I have the time to commit to being a sponsor or a director of an RCIA program. 

When a spouse converts

The above link is an article that regards when a spouse converts but it also highlights this important double blessing that RCIA can bring.  I encourage all those who maybe have the desire to learn more about their faith or feel as though they are lukewarm and want to grow more to consider being a sponsor at your local parish.  This will not only get you involved in the parish community but also might have the blessing of deepening your appreciation for the wonderful gifts that we in the Catholic Church have been given by Almighty God.
God's Peace be with you

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