Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Catholic IPhone App for going to Confession

Catholic-Confession IPhone App

I am very excited to see this app come out.  For a long time there has a been a lag between what our separated brothers and sisters use new technologies for and Catholics.  Our culture is so tech savy and rely so much on cell phones and IPads.  While the argument can be made and it is a valid one that there is too much reliance on technology and there is the loss of personal relationships in today's society.  On the flip side we need to make sure that those people who are using this technology all the time for work or our young people who have grown up with this technology.  There has been the large push to try to reach the young people of the Catholic Church and especially those on the fringes that are lost during those critical high school years.  Apps like this and ones that have the daily missal and office of readings on them are the ways that we can reach them.  Meeting them in their world which is that of cell phone/smart phone/tablets/laptops land.  The key idea that needs to follow the reaching out and getting them to start going to confession and coming to Church is to make sure that we as Church connect with them in a personal way, establish face-to-face relationships that show them the love of God in their lives


  1. Very nice message. One of the makers of this app was Chip Leinen, my youth leader! After college I hope to do things like this; using "new media" to spread the gospel and reach out to the young people who are immersed in the modern world.

  2. Meredith thats awesome, I am in Graduate school as well and technology is going to be one of the major ways to reach the next generation. There is a great book if you haven't read it yet
    Infinite Bandwith by Eugene Gan - excellent book
